So What Have I Actually Been Doing in London?
Well for one thing, it’s sure been a lot! For two weekends in a row now I’ve been able to relax and actually enjoy London a little bit....

Tapas Life Is The Best Life: Barcelona (Pt. 2)
Back to the thrilling tale of the cable car…. I know, what a cliffhanger. Did I like the cable car? Was it worth it? Better yet, DID I...

Vamos A España!: Barcelona (Pt. 1)
What does one do while they're on Spring Break in Europe? Travel, naturally. more It kinda blew my mind when I woke up on Thursday...

Harry Potter For A Day: Oxford
Is it bad that I might want to transfer schools as a soon-to-be senior? I had always heard that Oxford was a beautiful school, but little...

Mini Pancakes= Bae: Greenwich
This is a post long overdue, so let’s get right to it! Two weekends ago, I finally had another weekend in London to enjoy. No traveling...