A Bit Before Barcelona
Well hello there! It’s been awhile since we last spoke, hasn’t it?
Right now, I have officially reached the Fordham halfway point. It’ll still be a few more weeks until I reach the true halfway though because my Westminster exam schedule runs all the way until the end of May while my Fordham classes and exams wrap up on the 30 of April.
Because of this, the past two weeks have been beyond crazy!! Ever since I returned from Dublin I have been working on two huge papers, numerous other assignments, a photo project, and figuring out how to cook Chinese food. The last was a success for sure, check out my homemade chicken fried rice:

I also had the amazing opportunity to visit Greenwich and Oxford last weekend. Don’t worry, I’ll be doing a full post on those, but for now enjoy some photos from my phone!
I absolutely looooooved both, so I cannot wait to tell you all about them. In the meantime, I am off to Barcelona for a long weekend to celebrate making it sort of halfway through and finishing my papers! I am looking forward to some delicious paella and sangria.
Until next post, see you later!